Know Diphtheria Disease: Causes, Characteristics, Symptoms, & Treatment

Know Diphtheria Disease: Causes, Characteristics, Symptoms, & Treatment
Know Diphtheria Disease: Causes, Characteristics, Symptoms, & Treatment - To let you more easily in recognizing disease diphtheria, this article will be on the bunk in the question and answer format.

The following is the sense, causes, symptoms, and ways of handling the disease diphtheria:

get to know the disease diphtheria causes characteristic symptoms treatment ways

What is the disease diphtheria?

Diphtheria is a contagious disease due to infection of the bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheriae that attack the mucous membranes (mucus) in the throat and nose.

In some cases diphtheria can also attack the skin.

Diphtheria is included in one of the dangerous infection that can culminate in death if not getting proper handling.

What causes the disease diphtheria?

Diphtheria is caused by a bacterial infection called Corynebacterium diphtheriae.

Diphtheria bacteria comes from a group of Gram-positive bacteria which is very easy to spread, so the risk of diphtheria epidemic in a region will be higher.

Hallmark of a person with this bacteria can be seen from the formation of a layer of gray called pseudomembran on the throat and the tonsils.

A layer of gray was a pile of dead cells result from toxins produced by bacteria of diphtheria.

Diphtheria bacteria initially infect mucous membranes in the nose and throat, but on further levels will be producing Corynebacterium diphtheriae toxin substances named exotoxin that spread through the bloodstream and can damage organs vital such as kidney, heart, neural network, and brain.

the dangers of the bacteria corynebacterium diphtheriae causes diphtheria that epidemic diseases.

How long is the incubation period of diphtheria bacteria?

Incubation period of the disease diphtheria occur among 2-5 today.

Incubation period is the time span between the incoming bacteria infect the body to begin to be felt symptoms of the disease. So when the diphtheria bacteria get into the body, you will not feel any symptoms until 2-5 days ahead.

Who is the most vulnerable affected disease diphtheria?

If we use the data for last year as a sample, the most heavily exposed to diphtheriadisease are children aged 1-9 years i.e. amounted to 59% from a total of 415 cases. With 1-4 years of age the proportion of 23%, and 36% of 5-9 year.

The rest occurred in children aged 10-14 years amounted to 11%, and teenagers toadults (15 years and over) by 28%.

the age group most stricken with the disease diphtheria

What are the characteristics of the disease diphtheria?

Signs and symptoms of early someone exposed to diphtheria disease is:

1. Experience a sore throat.

2. A white coating to appear grey covering the throat and tonsils.

3. Fever and chills.

4. Pain when swallowing.

5. The voice becomes hoarse.

6. Heart rate increased.

To make it easy for You to recognize the disease diphtheria are visible, below are some pictures of the disease diphtheria that occurred in children.

The pictures to identify disease diphtheria

The pictures to identify disease diphtheria

the picture of the disease diphtheria in children throat example people affected by the disease diphtheri

To be able to check them out you can open mouth then asked the boy to stick his tongue up to look the part in the throat and amandelnya. If there is a visible layer ofgray like this thou bring the Child to the doctor.

To be able to confirm that the disease in derita diphtheria is positive, then the medical personnel will take samples of infected material from the patient's throat and test it in the lab.

What are the symptoms of advanced disease diphtheria?

Signs someone is exposed to the disease diphtheria hereinafter:

● The body becomes limp.

● Shortness of breath.

● Experience swelling of the lymphatic or lymph nodes. It can be seen from the neckto swell.

● Hard cough.

● Experience a runny nose that is gradually getting worse, even accompanied by removing mucus mixed with blood.

● Crash on eyesight.

● Difficulty talking.

● Damage to the heart muscle.

● Damage to the nerves and the brain.

● Diphtheria bacteria have the ability to produce toxins that can carry over into the bloodstream and spread to various organs in the body.

Will occur a very fatal impact when these toxins get into the heart and nervous system.

When diphtheria toxins get into the heart, it can damage the heart muscles causing the sufferer experiencing heart failure and resulted in death.

When this nerve damaging diphtheria toxins on the respiratory system, then the sufferer will experience difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, until failing a breath that will culminate in death.

In some cases of diphtheria can also have an impact on the skin. This type of diphtheria sufferers will experience ulcers on the skin that can cause the skin to be perforated.

How to recognize the signs and symptoms of diphtheria in adults?

Early symptoms of diphtheria in adults is often misinterpreted as a sore throat.

But you have to know if a sore throat because diphtheria has characteristics that are very distinctive; will usually be followed by fever and throat became swollen.

Her fever was not too high but makes the body feel hot cold (Shivering). In a few days you will also notice a white membrane on the inside of the throat near the tonsils and base of the tongue.

When diphtheria epidemic are present, then it doesn't hurt You more alert. If it is reasonably experienced sore throat accompanied with fever better check with your doctor immediately.

Adults are also potentially as a carrier or carriers of germs (bacterial diphtheria). So even though they do not experience pain, yet they remain potentially transmit diphtheria to others who aren't immune/not yet immunized.

How do I distinguish between diphtheria with a sore throat?

Early symptoms of diphtheria at both children and adults are generally similar to the symptoms of strep throat or tonsils (tonsillitis).

However there are some specific characteristics can we learn to be able to distinguish these three diseases.

How do I spread the disease diphtheria?

Diphtheria disease transmission method is through direct contact or close contactwith sufferers. The most common are inhaled spark liquid/slime scattered in the air at the time the sufferer's coughing or sneezing.

In addition diphtheria can also be transmitted through contact with objects that are already contaminated by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. For example a handkerchief or towel second-hand sufferers, or other objects that can be a media transfer of diphtheria bacteria from one person to another.

In the case of a fairly rare, diphtheria can also be transmitted by direct contact on ulcers diphtheria, i.e. when someone touches the ulcers sufferers diphtheria then there is a risk that people will become infected with.

How do I prevent disease diphtheria?

How to prevent the disease diphtheria immunization is to do a DPT DPT Immunization. is a program of mandatory Government of Indonesia. This includes the granting of immunization vaccines diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus.

It could be said the most effective way to prevent the disease diphtheria is to ensure every child in every region gets the full DPT immunization.

In Indonesia, the granting of vaccines DPT done 5 times i.e. when children aged 2 months, 3 months, 6 months, a year and a half and five years.

And to provide additional protection can also be provided with the booster vaccinecalled Tdap/Td at the age of 10 and 18 years. These vaccines can give a restart every span of 10 years.

When one family member is exposed to diphtheria, how to avoid contracting?

The following are some tips that can be done if one of your family members affected by the disease diphtheria:
  • If one family member is experiencing the symptoms that are similar to the symptoms of early exposed to disease diphtheria as mentioned above, then check with your doctor immediately.
  • Avoid direct contact with sufferers, as well as contact with second-hand goods sufferers as a handkerchief or towel, until the sufferers get treatment and completely healed.
  • If one family member is exposed to diphtheria, then other family members also have to undergo screening. Because there is a risk of being infected.
  • Isolation of second-hand goods the sufferer, and clean with antiseptic until completely sterile.
  • Keep the hygiene of the self and the environment.
  • Make it a habit hand washing with SOAP anti germs before eating.
  • Increase the durability of the body by exercising, eating nutritious foods-high, enough rest, and particularly vitamin supplement consumption of vitamin C.

How to treat the disease diphtheria?

Children are stricken with diphtheria should immediately get treatment by doctors.

The treatment of diphtheria patients conducted by neutralizing toxins exotoxin, as well as the deadly bacteria. This is done by administering antitoxin diphtheria and antibiotics such as erythromycin or penicillin.

Sufferers of diphtheria should also be in isolation so as not to spread diphtheria bacteria to other people.

In the span of about 2 days after the giving of the diphtheria antitoxin and antibiotics, the patient will start to improve.

The doctor will do an examination of whether diphtheria bacteria have really no longer infect the patient's body. If it's clean so the patient can be declared cured.

Share this article to those closest to you. Help them recognize disease diphtheria in order to perform actions of prevention and handling the appropriate and effective.

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